Class of 1880 Scholarship Fund

This fund is to be used for descendants of the Class of 1880. The vault files states, however, that the Class of 1880 voted at its 50th Reunion that the money should be used as follows: 1) The principal sum is to be invested and held as an endowment in perpetuity of the Department of Greek in Amherst College, the income alone to be used, and 2) The holder of the Professorship of Greek shall be titled, “Class of 1880 Professor of Greek.” In this final memo in the file, dated 1972, it also states, “The yearly income from this fund has been written off against the salary of John Moore, who was the Class of 1880 Professor of Greek. Upon John’s death, I think the terms of the gift are broad enough to write off the income against the expenses of the Classics Department; however, it would be more in line with the terms of the gift if you could appoint a new Class of 1880 Professor of Greek.”

To Be Determined